Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Generation Beauty New York Series

This passed weekend I attended Ipsy's Generation Beauty event in New York. It was definitely an experience and I have so much I want to tell my readers about but I want to do it in the least overwhelming way possible. That being said, here's how I plan to organize my review:

1. I'm going to do a post listing all of the items and photos of each days goodie bag.

2. My second post will be a general overview of the event, my thoughts and opinions on it, and how I felt it compared to reviews and things I've seen about Gen Beauty LA.

3. The final post will essentially be a Generation Beauty Survival Guide. I feel like so many people review the weekend and talk about how much fun they had, but what I struggled with beforehand was that I couldn't find any information about what I should expect and how to plan accordingly. I'm going to compile a list of what I believe are essential things to know if you plan on attending in the future.

I'm going to be as honest and clear as I can possibly be in this series; please note that not everything I have to say is necessarily how every other attendee felt. I did make it a point to chat with other girls I met there who seemingly shared similar opinions to mine, so I want to do this for the sake of helping other people who may find themselves in a similar future situation.

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